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Senior Transport
Helps seniors with transportation to connect with activities outside their homes.
How often have you heard this?
- I love my mother but I can’t continue to take off work to get her to her appointments.
- My doctor says that I need to quit driving, but how am I to get to his appointments or even the grocery?
- My car is in the shop and I have no one to take me to the senior center for my afternoon activity.
- My friends are great but they don’t drive either , so how are we to get places?
- Why are the taxi services so expensive?
- I wish the public transportation system came closer to my house.
- Why isn’t there a transportation service in the area that can transport seniors?
Book a Ride
If you are 55 or older, please contact us to learn how SSN may be able to help.
Please consider a donation of time, talent, or treasure.
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